On Euler-Lagrange's Equations: A New Approach





composed vectors, connected rigid bodies, dynamics


A new formalism is proposed to study the dynamics of mechanical systems composed of N connected rigid bodies, by introducing the concept of $6N$-dimensional composed vectors. The approach is based on previous works by the authors where a complete formalism was developed by means of differential geometry, linear algebra, and dynamical systems usual concepts. This new formalism is a method for the description of mechanical systems as a whole and not as each separate part. Euler-Lagrange's Equations are easily obtained by means of this formalism.


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Como Citar

Giacaglia, G. E. O., & Lamas, W. Q. (2020). On Euler-Lagrange’s Equations: A New Approach. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 21(2), 359. https://doi.org/10.5540/tema.2020.021.02.359



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