A Note on the Matching Polytope of a Graph


  • Nair Maria Maia de Abreu Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Liliana Manuela Gaspar Cerveira da Costa Colégio Pedro II
  • Carlos Henrique Pereira Nascimento Universidade Federal Fluminense https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6023-2397
  • Laura Patuzzi Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Regular graph, Matching polytope, Degree of matching


The matching polytope of a graph G, denoted by M(G), is the convex hull of the set of the incidence vectors of the matchings G. The graph  G(M(G)), whose vertices and edges are the vertices and edges of M(G), is the skeleton of the matching polytope of G. In this paper, for an arbitrary graph, we prove that  the minimum degree of G(M(G))  is equal to the number of edges
of G, generalizing a known result for trees. From this, we identify the vertices of the skeleton with the minimum degree and we prove that the union of stars and triangles characterizes regular skeletons of the matching polytopes of graphs.

Biografia do Autor

Carlos Henrique Pereira Nascimento, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Departamento de Matemática/Universidade Federal Fluminense. Pesquisa em Teoria dos Grafos.


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Como Citar

Abreu, N. M. M. de, Costa, L. M. G. C. da, Nascimento, C. H. P., & Patuzzi, L. (2019). A Note on the Matching Polytope of a Graph. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 20(1), 189. https://doi.org/10.5540/tema.2019.020.01.189



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