Vol. 22 No. 1 (2021)

Published: 2021-04-17

Original Article

  • Multiple Solutions for a Sixth Order Boundary Value Problem

    A. L. M. Martinez, C. A. Pendeza Martinez, G. M. Bressan, R. M. Souza, E. W. Stiegelmeier
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5540/tcam.2021.022.01.00001
  • Uma Aplicação dos Algoritmos Genéticos e do Método dos Volumes Finitos para Simular o Fluxo da Água na Zona Vadosa

    I. A. Souza, F. M. Coutinho, W. J. Santos, R. F. Oliveira, M. B. Ceddia
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5540/tcam.2021.022.01.00013
  • Coloração Total Absolutamente Equilibrada em uma Família Grafos Regulares

    A. S. Siqueira, A. R. G. Lozano, S. R. P. Mattos, J. Negreiros
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5540/tcam.2021.022.01.00031
  • Controle Automático de Volume em Tempo Real Utilizando Inferência Fuzzy em um Sistema Embarcado

    A. T. Escottá, W. Beccaro
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5540/tcam.2021.022.01.00041
  • A Model for Aedes aegypti Infestation According to Meteorological Variables: case of Caratinga (Minas Gerais - Brazil)

    F. S. Cordeiro, A. E. Eiras, F. R. Silva, J. L. Acebal
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5540/tcam.2021.022.01.00061
  • Effective Behavior of Nonlinear Microperiodic Composites with Imperfect Contact Via the Asymptotic Homogenization Method.

    R. Décio Jr, L. D. Pérez-Fernández, J. Bravo-Castillero
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5540/tcam.2021.022.01.00079
  • Formulation and Solution of an Inverse Reliability Problem to Simulate the Dynamic Behavior of COVID-19 Pandemic

    F. S. Lobato, G. M. Platt, G. B. Libotte, A. J. Silva Neto
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5540/tcam.2021.022.01.00091
  • Why Can We Observe a Plateau Even in an Out of Control Epidemic Outbreak? A SEIR Model With the Interaction of n Distinct Populations for Covid-19 in Brazil.

    M. J. Lazo, A. De Cezaro
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5540/tcam.2021.022.01.00109
  • On Generalized Pell Numbers of Order r ≥ 2

    E. V. Pereira Spreafico, M. Rachidi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5540/tcam.2021.022.01.00125
  • Gaussian and Golden Wavelets: A Comparative Study and their Applications in Structural Health Monitoring

    F. E. Gossler, B. R. Oliveira, M. A. Q. Duarte, J. Vieira Filho, F. Villarreal, R. L. Lamblém
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5540/tcam.2021.022.01.00139

Editorial notes

  • A note from the SBMAC

    M. Bernardes, Carla T. L. S. Ghidini, C. Hoppen, A. R. L. Oliveira, P. M. Rodriguez
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5540//tcam.2021.022.01.i