Linear Algebra and Differential Calculus in Pseudo-Intervals Vector Space


  • Abdelouahab Kenoufi Scientific COnsulting for Research & Engineering



In this paper one proposes to use a new approach of interval arithmetic, the so-called pseudo- intervals [1, 5, 13]. It uses a construction which is more canonical and based on the semi-group completion into the group, and it allows to build a Banach vector space. This is achieved by embedding the vector space into free algebra of dimensions higher than 4. It permits to perform linear algebra and differential calculus with pseudo-intervals. Some numerical applications for interval matrix eigenmode calculation, inversion and function minimization are exhibited for simple examples. 


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How to Cite

Kenoufi, A. (2016). Linear Algebra and Differential Calculus in Pseudo-Intervals Vector Space. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 17(3), 283.



Original Article