Interval Term Rewriting System: Toward A Formal Model for Interval Computation


  • A.X. Carvalho
  • R.H.N. Santiago



We present a term rewriting system for interval arithmetic (addition, subtraction and multiplication), toward a mathematical model for interval compu- tation. We start presenting a term rewriting system whose rules (directed equa- tions) perform binary floating-point arithmetic, which is based on IEEE-754 Stan- dard. Next, this primitive system is extended with rules for interval arithmetic. Finally, correctness and termination of our system are both discussed.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, A., & Santiago, R. (2006). Interval Term Rewriting System: Toward A Formal Model for Interval Computation. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 7(2), 249–258.



Original Article